Gleaners at Work
Sept 30 — Matt, Vivian, Maddie and Katrina gleaned 347 lbs. of winter squash and 52 lbs. of acorn squash for the Falmouth Service Center!
Sept 23 — Vivian, Ellie C. and Patricia helped glean 33 lbs. of green beans and Jennifer picked 55 lbs. of tomatoes for the Falmouth Service Center!
Sept 9 — Talley and Jennifer helped pick 92lbs of tomatoes for the FSC!
Sept 2 — 137 pounds of tomatoes today. Elise, Talley, MaryKay and Lucinda were super women today!
Aug 27 — Katrina and Elise helped pick 234 lbs. of bell peppers yesterday for the FSC! Wow! Robin for dropped off our repurposed blue produce containers that Dick discovered at the Falmouth Swap Shop.
Aug 20 — Talley and Elise helped to pick 45 lbs. of red onions and 47 lbs. of summer squash and green peppers in 55 minutes!
14 Aug — Harvested 100 lbs. of eggplant in 20 minutes. Also pulled up all the plants and put them outside the greenhouse.
12 Aug — What can one strong Katrina do??? Pick 100 lbs. of eggplant in less than an hour for the Falmouth Service Center!
29 July — Talley, Robin, Elise, Sam and Monica gleaned 696 lbs. of zucchini, zucchini blossoms and green beans from Pariah Dog Farm in 80 minutes this morning. Impressive to be sure. The Falmouth Service Center was delighted. Thanks especially to Robin for helping haul the zucchini to the FSC.
15 July — Talley, Alexis, Ashley, Katrina and kiddos gleaned 45 lbs. of green beans for the Falmouth Service Center at Pariah Dog Farm, in record time of 45 minutes!
06 July — Gleaned 60 lbs. of strawberries and zucchini for the Falmouth Service Center. It took 7 volunteers 50 minutes.
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