The Patch, Our First Farmland Preservation Project
Live Update
In the Fall of 2022
Farming Falmouth learned that a distressed farm, suffering from years of neglect, was being put on the market. Both house and land had been allowed to go to wrack and ruin. A conservation buyer acquired the land, saving it from development, and agreed to hold it while FF raises the funds to purchase it, with the understanding that the land would be put into conservation and remain a farm forever.
Farming Falmouth and the buyer –now the Caretaker Owner—are working with the Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts and hoping to complete the transition of the property to FF in 2025.
It is the shared goal of Farming Falmouth and the Caretaker Owner to provide access to affordable land and housing for young farmers, establish a base for FF’s educational programs and community outreach, and ensure the land stays in farming in perpetuity.
Work on the house and land began in 2022. The Caretaker Owner undertook rehabilitation of the house; a corps of Stalwart Stewards and Volunteers cleared the land of junk, dilapidated sheds, and rampant overgrowth of invasive vegetation. A farm plan was created in 2023 in consultation with the Regenerative Design Group. An initial field is in the works, and a First Farmer will commence growing in 2024. The First Farmer is an army veteran and a woman, who uses regenerative farming methods – all farming categories that are being encouraged in current policy shifts towards re-localizing a portion of the U.S. food supply, establishing a more resilient food system, and putting young and previously underserved farmers to work as older farmers retire.
Farming Falmouth, the Caretaker Owner and the First Farmer will be working in consult so that when FF completes the purchase, the farm will be a productive growing and teaching space from Day One.